Danielle has worked within the accounting industry for over 20 years, specialising in business accounting, including preparation of Financial Statements and Income Tax Returns for Companies, Trusts, Partnerships & Individuals. Danielle also has years of experience in taking care of our local Clubs & Associations, helping them with their audit process.
Danielle prides herself on our open door policy and loves being able to provide accessibility to her clients to ensure they are well supported and their accounts serviced. She specialises in end-of-year accounts, delivering quality and detailed service to each of her clients. Danielle gets to personally know and understand her clients so she can consistently provide the solutions that are best suited to their needs and situations.
Danielle thrives on helping her clients to get the best outcome for their personal circumstances and really enjoys forming a close working relationship with her clients as she believes this is extremely important. Developing a trusting relationship between her and the client is essential to delivering successful outcomes and also helps Danielle be the best accountant she can be for her clients.
Outside of work, Danielle loves everything outdoors, spending time with her family and loves climbing the local mountains.